Get and Stay Pain-Free in St. Charles IL with the Best Exercises and Benefits of Massage

Get and Stay Pain Free with the Best Exercises and Benefits of Massage in St. Charles IL

Get and Stay Pain-Free in St. Charles IL with the Best Exercises and Benefits of Massage

"The Research Says", notes from our doctor meeting in St. Charles IL.

We had some great articles presented by the doctors in this week's meeting. We work hard to keep up with what is new to help our patients get better faster and stay better longer.

Get and stay pain free with coordination exercises, from Dr. Paul in St. Charles IL.

Dr. Paul's article reinforces our primary thoughts in rehabbing patients, get you out of pain and keep you healthy. It is that coordination exercises are more important than stretching and strengthening. Coordination type workouts get and keep people out of pain. Our rehab protocols focus on making your body work right. Each exercise is targeted to wake up the muscles that are holding you together and moving your joints.

We grew up thinking it's all about strengthening and stretching. It's important to start at the beginning and make sure the muscles are working right before you can strengthen an injured area.

Keep doing your strengthening and stretching exercises and remember to do the ones we prescribed for you to keep the underlying coordination in place and healthy.

If you are looking for something extra, try some balance exercises. Keeping upright is an important part of sports performance and healthy aging. Ask us the next time you are in, and we can show you where to start.

Clinical Biomechanics
Volume 92, February 2022, 105570

Motor skill training versus strength and flexibility exercise in people with chronic low back pain: Preplanned analysis of effects on kinematics during a functional activity

The benefits of exercise in water to improve your core, from Dr. Steve

Dr. Steve's article reviewed the health benefits of exercising in water or doing water aerobics.

Many patients ask about exercising in the pool. We always knew it was different and better for a lot of people. This article confirms that the resistance you can get from exercising in water is unique, and good for us on many different levels. It increases abdominal muscle firmness, improved back muscles, enhances coordination, and reduces weight bearing on your joints. That's more than a triple win and worth your time if you were thinking about exercising in the pool.

The WATER study: Which AquaTic ExeRcises increase muscle athh ctivity and limit pain for people with low back pain? - Physiotherapy (

Massage from your therapist is still good, but not the same as our Fascial Manipulation, from Dr. John.

We regularly recommend hour massage for our patients. It improves many aspects of your physical and mental health. I can tell when someone has had a recent massage. They adjust easier. We consider hour massages to be a proactive way to improve your health.

Dr. John's article highlights that work by your massage therapist is different from the doctor massage we do in our office. They are focusing on wellness. Our technique is unique (Stecco Fascial Manipulation) and only taught to doctors. This technique requires extensive anatomy and physiology knowledge which is taught at the post-secondary level.

The short of it is, we target the callous like formations your body creates in response to wear and injury. Resolving those gets our patients therapeutic gain, aka pain relief on a more permanent basis.

We are here for your significant pains and injuries. Keep seeing your massage therapist to keep you feeling your best with physical and mental stress relief.

Effect of ischemic compression on myofascial pain syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis

I hope you got some good take-aways from the "Research Says", Notes from our doctor meeting. We work hard at staying on top of the research to benefit your recovery and overall health.

Be Well,
Dr. Mark


6:30am - 11:00am
4:00pm - 6:00pm


6:30am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm


6:30am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Fox Valley Chiropractic Physicians

1750 E Main St Ste 60
St. Charles, IL 60174

(630) 377-8844