Quick Guide to Staying Healthy at Work in St. Charles IL

Quick Guide to Staying Healthy at Work in St. Charles IL

Quick Guide to Staying Healthy at Work in St. Charles IL

Health is not a destination. It is a journey. Enjoy the trip. Take care of yourself along the way.

Work is a necessary part of our lives. Use and plan your day to stay healthy. There isn't one solution to staying healthy, but, rather a combination of things - including keeping active and eating wholesome, good-for-you foods. While eating healthy and moving more might sound too difficult to do against a demanding work schedule, there are a few quick tips that Fox Valley Chiropractic Physicians in St. Charles IL wants you to keep in mind to help you conquer both - regardless of work schedule.

Tips to Help Stay Healthy in St. Charles IL

Get up Offa That Thing:

  • Instead of going out for lunch, pack a health lunch. This will save you 15 minutes that you can use to take a walk around the building, or outside. It feeds your brain and lubes up your body.
  • Stand up every hour and do a lap or walk in place for 5 minutes. Research shows your production is better if you take this break every hour.
  • Get a group of coworkers for a walking group. It's additional motivation and the comradery builds friendships and work collaboration. Take the next step and make it a walking meeting.
  • If you have a physical job, it's OK to rest during your break. To promote wellness, add 5 minutes of stretching to warm up prior to return to work.

To help you with your stretching, ask us for our "Get Up Offa That Thing" workplace healthy stretching posters. They're free, and you can put them up at work in St. Charles IL to help everyone.

Eat, Drink and Be Merry:

  • Save time. Save money. Be Healthy. You can plan. You can shop. You can pack a lunch. Preparing healthy lunches ahead of time is simple. Cook extra on the weekend and you will have enough for a full week of lunches. Pack it the night before. Just grab and go in the morning.
  • Snacks are essential for life. Skip the vending machine. Buy or make healthier choices. Buy in bulk and bag your own single servings of nuts or cheeses. Precut your own veggies, and fruits. You can bag them up on Sunday, for most of the week.
  • Drink your water. It helps you get up from your desk. The goal is 64 oz. of water per day. Break it up throughout your day, make a goal of 8 oz. per hour throughout your work day. Set a reminder in your phone or on your email calendar!
  • If your job doesn't allow for frequent breaks, remember to hit the water after work. You'll need to rehydrate from your day.

 Stay healthy my friends,



6:30am - 11:00am
4:00pm - 6:00pm


6:30am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm


6:30am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Fox Valley Chiropractic Physicians

1750 E Main St Ste 60
St. Charles, IL 60174

(630) 377-8844